Mehdi Luthon Full-Stack Developer

About Myself

Self-taught developer, I'm passionate about web development and programming in general, you will find on this site some of my projects and blogs posts about what I'm interested in or what I've learned.

Featured Projects

Mail Viewer

  • Mail viewer tool made with react, it use airbnb react date-picker and react material-ui

you can see the code here:

Check it out


  • Front-End made with Angular 7, multi-lingual for all of the eve online supported language, error handling with a friendly message
  • Back-End made with Node.js and Express behind a NGINX server on a Debian machine hosted on a google compute engine
  • Database using MongoDB for storing assets related data and redis for the temporary user-related data

This website is intended for eve online player, using the official eve online API it provides multiple tools such as market data, appraisal, in-game mail management.
you can see the front-end code here:

Check it out

Chart Data visualisation tool

  • Made with canvas and typescript in a webpack development environment

I made this tool for visualizing market data on my website, different types of charts and indicators are available and it is customizable from colors to the types of charts and indicators displayed

Check it out

Trello clone

  • Simple trello clone made with Angular 8, it use angular material for the drag & drop feature and general styling

you can see the code here:

Check it out

Last Blog Posts
